My shady garden in summer

Tin pail with water garden white flowers

Abutilon branches over tin pail filled with rainwater, 2022. Photography by Michael Steele.

Detail of white flower

Close up of white abutilon flowers, 2022. Photography by Michael Steele.

blue campanula

Trailing blue campanula flowers, 2022. Photography by Michael Steele.

White foxgolve

White foxglove and snowball viburnum, 2022. Photography by Michael Steele.

I’m glad I found some time in the weekend to weed, sweep fallen leaves and tidy up my garden. Here’s a few details of the favourite parts of my shady back garden. It’s a mix of snowball viburnum shrubs, green and red Japanese Maples, campanula, Mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius) and viola. It was originally just a patchy grassy area. I’ve gradually transformed the space over the years to something more tranquil and green.


Blue and white vase with pink peonies


The Grinch