Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985)
Bouquet de roses rouges, Marc Chagall, 1958
Watercolour over pencil on fibrous thin Japan paper
39 3/8 x 24¼ in. (100 x 61.5 cm.)
Roses et Mimosa (detail), 1975, Marc Chagall, lithograph, 32 7/8 x 25 ¾ inches
“If create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing”
It’s wonderful and inspiring to research the life’s and works created by artists. There is often techniques, colours or aspects that make me want to explore different materials and methods. Russian born artist Marc Chagall is one of those artists which I love looking through his vast collection of works. He used many medians, and created work for production sets, stained glass windows, paintings, print making, sculpture, and even designs for tapestries.